Sortimo T-BOXX Order Status January 2025

If you have already placed your order for the Savage Industries Sortimo T-BOXX and are curious as to the status of your order, this is the page for you. This page will be updated with any issues that we run into while fulfilling the large volume of orders that are being submitted.

If you do not see your order number below this means that it has been submitted for fulfillment and is being expertly packed at our warehouse.

Status last updated 01/29/25 12:00 pm PST
The following orders are on hold due to box sizing issues. We are working diligently to correct this situation and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We expect that the majority of these orders will ship no later than Friday 01/31/25. Rest assured, your Sortimos are reserved. 

Order Number Order Date
EDC025244 01/23/2025
EDC025260 01/24/2025
EDC025320 01/24/2025
EDC025321 01/24/2025
EDC025322 01/24/2025
EDC025325 01/25/2025
EDC025326 01/25/2025
EDC025329 01/25/2025
EDC025331 01/25/2025
EDC025332 01/25/2025
EDC025333 01/25/2025
EDC025334 01/25/2025
EDC025336 01/25/2025
EDC025344 01/25/2025
EDC025345 01/25/2025
EDC025346 01/25/2025
EDC025347 01/25/2025
EDC025350 01/25/2025
EDC025352 01/25/2025
EDC025355 01/25/2025
EDC025358 01/25/2025
EDC025361 01/25/2025
EDC025362 01/25/2025
EDC025363 01/25/2025
EDC025364 01/25/2025
EDC025374 01/25/2025
EDC025375 01/25/2025
EDC025377 01/25/2025
EDC025378 01/25/2025
EDC025379 01/25/2025
EDC025380 01/25/2025
EDC025381 01/25/2025
EDC025383 01/25/2025
EDC025384 01/25/2025
EDC025386 01/25/2025
EDC025387 01/25/2025
EDC025388 01/25/2025
EDC025389 01/25/2025
EDC025390 01/25/2025
EDC025393 01/25/2025
EDC025394 01/25/2025
EDC025395 01/25/2025
EDC025396 01/25/2025
EDC025398 01/25/2025
EDC025399 01/25/2025
EDC025402 01/25/2025
EDC025403 01/25/2025
EDC025405 01/25/2025
EDC025406 01/25/2025
EDC025407 01/25/2025
EDC025409 01/25/2025
EDC025411 01/25/2025
EDC025412 01/25/2025
EDC025415 01/25/2025
EDC025416 01/25/2025
EDC025417 01/25/2025
EDC025420 01/25/2025
EDC025421 01/25/2025
EDC025423 01/25/2025
EDC025424 01/25/2025
EDC025425 01/25/2025
EDC025427 01/26/2025
EDC025428 01/26/2025
EDC025429 01/26/2025
EDC025431 01/26/2025
EDC025432 01/26/2025
EDC025434 01/26/2025
EDC025435 01/26/2025
EDC025436 01/26/2025
EDC025437 01/26/2025
EDC025438 01/26/2025
EDC025440 01/26/2025
EDC025441 01/27/2025
EDC025442 01/27/2025
EDC025445 01/27/2025
EDC025447 01/27/2025
EDC025448 01/27/2025
EDC025449 01/27/2025
EDC025450 01/27/2025
EDC025452 01/27/2025
EDC025454 01/27/2025
EDC025455 01/27/2025
EDC025457 01/28/2025
EDC025458 01/28/2025
EDC025459 01/28/2025
EDC025462 01/28/2025
EDC025465 01/28/2025
EDC025466 01/28/2025
EDC025468 01/28/2025
EDC025470 01/28/2025
EDC025474 01/29/2025
EDC025475 01/29/2025
EDC025477 01/29/2025
EDC025478 01/29/2025
EDC025479 01/29/2025